Born in Hong Kong in 1974, the year of the World Cup, Thomas has soccer in his DNA. As long as he had a ball to kick, soccer didn't cost money. Growing up in poverty, Thomas became even more intimate with it. At the age of 20, he worked part-time as a private school teacher and made good money but lost it when he turned to gambling. Months of hard work were lost overnight. Devastated, he began to miss playing soccer, which was his true passion. He reached out to his old soccer teammate to play soccer, but the teammate told him it was only for church teams and that he couldn't play. So, he went back to church just to play soccer. In church where he went only for soccer, he met God. And He opened the way to share the gospel through soccer.
Soccer is no longer just a game to play, now it has become a tool to glorify God. The Soccer In Christ (SIC) ministry is now in its 23rd year.
L&C Stendal was founded in Germany at the end of the 19th century and pioneered metalworking in the furniture industry.
Their first collaboration began in the 1920s when they exclusively produced various Bauhaus designs,
which led to international popularity and great success.
In the 1930s, the company began producing chrome-plated steel furniture for interiors.
Following a long tradition, the company continues to produce high quality chrome steel furniture to this day,
Through continuous product development, we turn various ideas into marketable products.
Comeback is a tubular steel stacking chair that was used millions of times in restaurants, cafeterias, canteens and private homes before the fall of the Berlin Wall. L&C Stendal offers this successful and proven model as a redesign. The chair has been technically and optically improved, but its design has remained virtually unchanged, and is now available in many colors. For many users, the space-saving aspect of stacking is just as important as the principle of arranging all components in a row so that they can be extended together. The simple and understated appearance of the chair once again shows that function and use are clearly in the foreground.